Thursday, July 05, 2007

Back at Sea

The dependent children had quite a day yesterday. After their Spanish lessons, they headed to the main dining room where several chairs had been arranged in a semicircle for them in order to give them the best possible view of the ship’s fruit & vegetable carver. Starting with a mouse wearing a sombrero, he carved several creations for them before closing with an incredible flower display. Next, they toured the ship’s hospital, which is much larger and more elaborate than one might think. Both Dr. Milt and Nurse Jane were on hand for this tour; little did we know how important this would be the next day. During the afternoon, Kathleen Rodriguez, mommy to Gabby and Sam, gave a wonderful presentation on pirates and led the kids in a fantastic art workshop, where they learned to paint the horizon before creating pirate ships of their own to float at sea. Several are currently on display in Pursur’s Square. When Emma was telling her dad about the lesson, she was quite animated when she explained there had been a female pirate, Anne Bonnie.


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