Thursday, July 05, 2007

A Visit from Nurse Jane

The air temperature and the sea temperature were the same yesterday afternoon, 86 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s currently fifteen degrees lower than Emma’s temperature. During Spanish lessons this morning she told her teacher her tummy didn’t feel good and she had a headache. Twenty minutes later she was throwing up in our cabin. Nurse Jane came to visit and ordered her a “sick tray” so they brought Jell-O, rice, chicken broth, and wheat rolls to the cabin just before noon. She’s had two bites of Jell-O and that’s it. Currently she’s sleeping. I knew she was sick when she didn’t even ask to watch a movie or anything when we got back to the cabin; she merely curled up under a pile of blankets and closed her eyes. It’s really, really sad. At 16:30 we’ll see Dr. Milt down in the area she toured yesterday. Dr. Milt is an orthopedic surgeon who’s been the SAS doctor on nine previous voyages. He asked at the opening meeting that if we got sick to please try and break a limb too so he’d feel more in his comfort zone! Ha! Relax grandparents, this guy’s good. The worst part of whatever bug this is that she’s caught is that the kiddos were to take their bridge tour today. L I’m hopeful that since Emma’s Daddy meets with the Captain once a week maybe he can score us a make-up tour. Update: the virus lasted two full, long, horrible days. It’s the worst one she’s ever had and she was very weak for the two following days.


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